Saturday, February 16, 2013


Change is scary. This past week the thought of change has made me feel excited, scared, panicked, sad, unsure of myself, and confident. No matter what, change is coming, and I have chosen to embrace it no matter the outcome....or maybe not. Sometimes I just need to give myself a pep talk. Whatever happens happens and maybe by writing this, I can look back in a few months and hopefully ask myself, "what were you so scared of?"

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Show Us Your Singles!

Caitlin is one of the sweetest girls I know and I am truly honored to have her as a friend. I adore her personality and upon meeting her for the first time I knew she had to become my friend.

Her sense of humor never fails to entertain me and she goes out of her way to be helpful. For instance, when I pondered if Jesus was a popular name back in the day, she helped me find the answer where as my husband just looked at me like I was crazy. She has an amazing personality and is one of the kindest people I know. When meeting someone for the first time, Caitlin might come off as shy or reserved but once she gets to know you she is anything but shy!

Caitlin has an adorable, witty 7 year old daughter who she adores as does everyone else who meets her. Family is very important to her and is looking for a man that is also close to his family.

Caitlin has a passion for teaching. She is an amazing elementary teacher who gives 110% to her students but also enjoys her summers off!

Caitlin loves Jesus (and if you were wondering if the name was popular around the time of his birth,thanks to Caitlin, I can assure you the answer is yes), and is looking for an educated, good Christian man who likes kids and would also like to have children of his own.

Caitlin's a great catch and the man that lands her will be lucky to have her!

Please let me know if you are interested in connecting with Caitlin by either leaving a comment below or email me at

Thanks for stopping by!